To, The Health Minister, India Dear Dr Anbumani Ramadoss, We write to you to address a matter of the greatest importance to our health and the state of our world. Given that you are a man of scientific temperament and your party, PMK, was the first party in India to take a strong stand against GM (Genetically Modified) crops/foods, We believe that you would respond to my urgent concern. There is overwhelming scientific evidence that the process of Genetic Engineering alters the nature of our food in unpredictable and irreversible ways. Further, during animal studies including ones conducted by GM companies themselves, evidence linked GM food with organ and tissue damage, adverse effects on growth and development, decreased immunity and even ill effects on children. Nutritional composition of foods is also known to have changed. Despite such evidence and despite the fact that majority of countries outside India have rejected GM crops/foods, there is an imminent danger of Bt Brinjal being launched in India. The biosafety of this Bt Brinjal is questionable and decisions are being made only on the basis of some data provided by the companies themselves! Brinjal is known for its beneficial health uses and the entry of Bt Brinjal might endanger this. No independent research has been taken up to ascertain the comprehensive safety of Bt Brinjal, not even from your Ministry. You have the power and responsibility to prevent an irreversible health catastrophe and to do what is right for the millions who have vested their trust in your chair. Mr Health Minister, do not test this technology on us. We urge you to put an immediate stop to all GM food trials in India including on Bt Brinjal as also on GM food imports into the country. With warm regards, and anticipating positive response from your side, we remain, Yours sincerely, LIVING FARMS TEAM, 1181/2146, Ratnakar Bag 2, Tankapani Road, Bhubaneswar - 751018. |